Bucharest autumn flowers

Bucharest autumn flowers, Polona Street, Bucharest (©Valentin Mandache)

Above is a sample from the multitude of autumn season flowers that embellish many of the historic houses of Bucharest. I took the photograph during last Sunday architectural history and photo tour in Dacia area, on Polona Street. The plant and flowers adorn the fence surounding a picturesque Little Paris style house dating from the La Belle Époque period (late Victorian and Edwardian periods).


I endeavour through this series of periodic articles to inspire appreciation of the historic houses of Romania, a virtually undiscovered, but fascinating chapter of European architectural history and heritage.


If you plan acquiring or selling a historic property in Romania or start a renovation project, I would be delighted to advice you in sourcing and transacting the property, specialist research, etc. To discuss your particular plan please see my contact details in the Contact page of this weblog.
